LS |
Gen III Hemi |
#31507 LS pan:
- The shallowest LS pan on the market at 5 ½"
- Carries 2 extra quarts over "cast" pan at 7 quarts
- Contains baffles and trap doors for oil control unlike empty "cast" pans
- An Oil Pan is more than just a "bucket". It needs to work to provide consistent oil supply under ALL conditions. An empty stock pan can not do that!
#31034 Hemi pan:
- Huge improvement over the empty factory pan and tin baffle with gasket
- Milodon pan actually contains the oil instead of allowing it to be thrown up into the crank
- Windage Tray pulls oil from the crank and rapidly returns it to the sump
- Exclusive Milodon-designed recovery pocket to further separate the returning oil from the crankshaft.